Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak Plastic Surgeon

Istanbul, Turkey

Before Breast Augmentation Surgery  
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Before Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation If the patient's age is 40 and above, mammography and ultrasonography should be performed before the operation. Breast augmentation It is natural to have swelling and pain after surgery. Rarely, bleeding and infection caused by the operation are rare complaints. In some cases, loss of sensation may occur. This is usually a temporary problem.

Are negative rumors about breast augmentation operations true?

It is claimed that prosthesis in breast augmentation makes breastfeeding difficult, causes cancer, and causes some diseases related to connective tissue. None of these claims have been scientifically proven.

Are there complications of this operation?

The development of the membrane around the prosthesis can cause hardening and narrowing. These membranes are called capsules. When the capsules are thin, it does not pose a problem, but when the capsules are of medium thickness, hardness and prominence in the breast become noticeable. It can be corrected with massage and minor surgery if necessary. If it becomes too thick, it may be necessary to remove the prosthesis.

Is there any restriction in movements?

Although the surface of the silicones is thin, it has a structure resistant to external impacts. After a few months, the patient can lie on his/her face. It is possible for the balloon to leak inside and form a mass. But when silicones filled with saline leak, the body absorbs it quickly and does no harm. This fluid is also used intravenously in other diseases and does no harm. Rupture is a very rare problem that may occur as a result of major blows.

Do breast augmentation operations cause cancer?

It does not pose a problem in radiological examinations to be performed after breast augmentation. It does not carry the risk of cancer. If such a disease is encountered, treatment methods proceed in the same direction. This operation has no negative contribution to the disease. Taking all these into consideration, a decision should be made after a thorough discussion with your doctor.


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