Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak Plastic Surgeon

Istanbul, Turkey

Ear Reshaping (Otoplasty)
ear reshaping otoplasty

What is ear reshaping surgery?

Ear reshaping, ear pinning also known as otoplasty, is usually performed to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears or earlobes.

Both men and women suffer from oversized or prominent ears which can be the source of great stress and social embarrassment. This condition known as prominent ears, can affect about 5% of the entire population.

However, there is a surgical solution to this condition which is called otoplasty or commonly known as ear pinning.

Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak examines your anatomy and develops a surgical plan according to your needs and wishes during your consultation.

Also in most cases, the surgery is performed on children between the ages of four and fourteen. Teasing caused by large ears can have an adverse impact on the psyche of young children. Otoplasty is recommended for children before they enter school to avoid unnecessary harassment and teasing.

So if you are a parent it is very usuall and better way to have your beloved ones ear surgery if there is a probability of having a social embarrassment or stress during their adolescent ages.

ear 1 before ear 1 after copy
ear 4 before ear 4 after
ear 3 before ear 3 after
ear 5 before ear 5 after

Who can benefit?

The ideal candidate for otoplasty surgery is a healthy child between the ages of four and fourteen or an adult in good health also has one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Ears that protrude too far from the head
  • Ears that are too large and out of proportion to the head
  • Overly large earlobes

Before & The Day of Ear Surgery

Where does Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak perform this procedure?
Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak performs otoplasty procedures at an international accredited hospital facility on an outpatient basis.
What type of anesthesia is used for ear reshaping (otoplasty) surgery?
The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia (asleep) also can be done under local anesthesia with sedation in select cases. For small children, we usually use general anesthesia. For older children and adults, a combination of local anesthesia and sedation is used.
How long does otoplasty surgery take?
The otoplasty surgery usually takes between one to three hours to complete when both ears are being reshaped.

What to expect after ear surgery?


Activity When
Stitches Removed A Week After Surgery
Back to Work or School A Week After Surgery
Activities That May Affect the Ears Six Weeks After Surgery
Strenuous Activity Four Weeks After Surgery
Fading of Scars Several Months to One Year

Things To Be Aware Of After Your Ear Surgery

  • The dressings placed over your ears must be worn at all times for the first few days after surgery. A soft headband must be worn over your ears whenever you sleep for the first four to six weeks after your surgery.
  • The scars caused by the incision should be protected from sunlight for at least a year after surgery.
  • Don’t expect both ears to match exactly – perfect symmetry . It is unnatural.