Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak Plastic Surgeon

Istanbul, Turkey

Rhinoplasty Surgeries
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Rhinoplasty Surgeries

Rhinoplasty surgeries used to be applied only in cases such as trauma and accidents. Today, these operations, which are widely used today, are a method that is frequently applied today and applied by people who want to have noses that are compatible with the facial profile for external appearance. To summarize rhinoplasty surgeries; It is the nose (compatible with the facial profile) that emerges as a result of the correction or reshaping of the bone structure of the nose, cartilage structure, tissues at the tips of the nose after the interventions in the nose.

As medicine has a new way of responding to events with new technology every day rhinoplasty In surgeries, a different technique and a new area that can be intervened is revealed every day. The patient who wants aesthetic intervention in his nose with this surgery should first do the necessary research to make the right choice of specialist and physician for the intervention. After this difficult decision is made and the appropriate center and physician are selected, the patient is sent to a laboratory for the necessary tests. The patient and the specialist meet for the last time for the surgery as a result of the examinations to be carried out either outside or in the laboratory within the center. After this stage, the patient is shown several different pictures prepared in a computerized environment where he/she can see the desired nose shape. The patient chooses the most suitable one among them and there is no longer any obstacle for surgery. Rhinoplasty The recovery period for patients is a few weeks. After the surgery, patients may experience bruises and swelling on their face. These swellings will disappear within a week or so. Patients should pay attention to all the recommendations of the doctors after the surgery and should definitely not neglect their care. If the desired nose could not be achieved after the surgery and healing process, the necessary time is waited for the repetition of the surgery and the surgery is performed again.


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