Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak Plastic Surgeon

Istanbul, Turkey

Rhinoplasty Surgery Stages
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Rhinoplasty Surgery Stages

Rhinoplasty In the operations, different methods are applied in line with the method to be applied in the nose and the nose intended as a result of the operation and stages are passed according to these methods. But in general rhinoplasty The stages applied in operations are as follows.

1- Anesthesia

Rhinoplasty Since surgeries are long and painful operations, the operation is usually performed under general anesthesia.

2- Cutting process

In operations, after the patient is usually put to sleep with general anesthesia, incisions are made to intervene in the nose. These incisions are made in different areas depending on whether the surgery is performed open or closed. In operations where the open surgery technique will be applied, a parallel area is cut at the level of the nose and the intervention is performed from there, while in operations where the closed surgery technique will be applied, the procedure is performed with an incision opened from the inside of the nose.

3- Shaping

Rhinoplasty The stage that comes after the cutting process in surgeries is shaping. At this stage, the incisions are entered and the intervention to be performed in the nose is realized. These interventions may include breaking and correcting the nasal bone, shaping the cartilage structure or straightening the tip of the nose.

4- Wound closure

In these surgeries, after the shaping stage is passed, the intervention part of the surgery is over and the incisions are closed. In operations performed with the open surgery method, since the incision is outside the nose, the stitches are visibly stitched and these stitches disappear spontaneously at the end of a few weeks following the surgery due to their aesthetics. In closed surgery techniques, since the incisions are on the inside of the nose, the benefit closure and suturing procedures are applied here. The stitches applied to this area are not visible and will disappear spontaneously after a few weeks, as in surgeries with open surgery technique.

5- Applying a Tampon to the Wound

In the tampon placement phase, which is the last stage of the surgery, a tampon is applied to the inner part of the nose in operations where the nasal bones are directly intervened. If the operation was performed directly to correct the nasal roof, the nasal roof is fixed with the help of plaster and wire and the healing process is expected. After the tampon and plastering process is over, patients are sent to their rooms to rest and are woken up. Afterwards, visible changes are observed between 4-6 weeks on average and all of the surgical stages are completed.



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