Prof. Dr. Fatih Irmak Plastic Surgeon

Istanbul, Turkey

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Tummy tuck surgery increases the woman's self-confidence along with the abdominal aesthetics that become beautiful afterwards. Most of the time in women, but also in men from time to time, sagging and loosening of the abdomen occurs due to wear and tear in the abdominal skin and muscle structures as a result of excess weight gain. The most important reason why sagging of the abdominal area is mostly seen in women is that women become pregnant. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles that form the anterior wall of the abdomen and keep the organs such as stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas inside and provide a smooth appearance of the abdominal contours, as a result of this, the abdomen appears more bloated, the abdominal skin looks more saggy and even wrinkled with the distribution of internal organs into a larger space. In addition to abdominal fat, the abdominal muscles loosen, the muscles open up and the abdomen sags. In such deformations, it is possible to achieve a brand new appearance with abdominoplasty. With the tummy tuck surgery, which is called abdominoplasty in medicine, the excess skin that usually occurs with the folding of the abdomen, the part of the subcutaneous fat tissue below the belly button is removed and the abdominal muscles that form the abdominal wall are tightened. After this procedure, the saggy, wrinkled appearance of the abdomen improves dramatically. It is observed that most of those who undergo tummy tuck surgery increase their self-confidence and become individuals who are at peace with themselves.

How is tummy tuck surgery performed?

Tummy tuck surgery, abdominoplasty, is an operation performed against deformations such as sagging, loosening, fat accumulation and bloating in the middle and lower part of the abdomen. In this surgery, while the excess tissues in these areas are removed, the muscles that make up the abdominal wall are tightened and the old tension is tried to be created. In addition, with liposuction applied to this area, fat in the waist area is also reduced and a slimmer waist is aimed.

Suitable people for tummy tuck

The most suitable candidates for tummy tuck aesthetics are women or men who do not have health problems, who have excess fat, wrinkled skin and sagging in the abdominal area despite diet and exercise. Therefore, people should have solved their obesity problems, if any, that is, they should have reached their normal weight. In addition to all these, stretch marks on the lower abdominal skin due to multiple pregnancies or excessive weight gain and loss can also benefit from tummy tuck surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery techniques

There are two techniques for tummy tuck surgery: total abdominoplasty (total abdominoplasty) and mini abdominoplasty (mini abdominoplasty).

If there is no loosening and deformity in the area above the belly button, if there is mild fatty deposits and sagging at the level below the belly button, if there are skin cracks in a certain area in this area, if there is no loosening and separation in the abdominal muscles, mini tummy tuck surgery will be sufficient for the person, while if the deformity in the abdominal area includes the area above the belly button, if the deformity in the abdomen is more severe, a full tummy tuck surgery will be appropriate.

In mini tummy tuck surgery, fat and excess skin in this area are removed as the whole problem is under the skin of the belly button. If there is laxity in the lower abdominal muscles, the muscles are zoomed and sutured. In this surgery, the belly button is not touched at all. Since it is performed in a limited area, it is an operation that only tidies up the lower abdomen.

With a full tummy tuck surgery, part of the area above the belly button is also included in the procedure up to the groin area and the excess skin and fat are cut out. Since the entire area is corrected by making an incision in that area until the tension on the sides is fully corrected, the surgical scar may extend to the back. The abdominal muscles in the area where the excess fat is removed are brought closer together and sutured. With this procedure, the appearance of a bulging, bulbous abdomen is significantly reduced. After this procedure, the excess tissues up to the groin are cut and removed, and the belly button is placed in its new location. Finally, a drain is placed in the surgical site and the area is surgically closed. Since the surgical scar will almost always remain in the underwear, it will not be visible in daily life. With the suturing techniques I apply during full tummy tuck aesthetics, I also create natural folds in the belly button area, while giving a natural, dimpled appearance that we call the quince belly. While the postoperative scar is red and quite prominent, it gets lighter and fades within months. Since it provides a very striking improvement immediately after tummy tuck surgery, it immediately increases the quality of life and provides immediate satisfaction.


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